Dear Dragon Families!
CNUSD is committed to maximizing in-person instruction to the greatest extent possible with the newest public health guidelines allowing 3-feet distancing in the classroom.
On April 6th, Riverside County officially entered the Orange Tier as COVID cases in our community have continued to drop.
As was stated in the district's last community newsletter on Friday, March 26, we have expanded our current hybrid models and schedule to reflect the recent change in public health guidance from 6-feet to 3-feet between students in the classroom receiving in person instruction. With that said, beginning Monday, April 12, 2021, elementary schools will resume in-person instruction at 100% capacity Monday - Friday for 4 hours and 15 minutes for grades 1-6 and 2 hours for Tk and Kindergarten.
The new schedules outlined below will begin Monday, April 12, 2021.
Kindergarten: Kinder will remain split into two cohorts and attend Monday-Friday for 2 hours in the morning.
Grades 1-6 : Cohorts A and B will be combined, and all students will attend Monday-Friday for 4 hours and 15 minutes. Students will receive a 15-minute nutrition break in which they will be provided a free breakfast snack by Child Nutrition Services, or they may bring their own from home. They will also be allotted brain breaks throughout the day. All students will also receive a grab-and-go lunch at the end of the day.
Bell Schedule:
1st - 6th Grade: 8:25am - 12:40pm
TK/Kinder AM Cohort: 8:25am – 10:25am
TK/Kinder PM Cohort: 10:40am – 12:40pm
Nutrition Break:
1st Grade: 9:45am
2nd Grade: 10:05am
3rd Grade: 10:25am
4th Grade: 10:45am
5th Grade: 11:05am
6th Grade: 11:25am

Virtual Students
Virtual Students will continue to learn in the virtual environment through the end of the 2020-2021 school year
To consistently view CNUSD Community Updates, visit the CNUSD Connection page, where we endeavor to keep our community informed of all that's happening.
Stay Connected!
In an effort to make sure that everyone is receiving the necessary information to be prepared for our physical return to campus at 100%, we will be providing updates throughout the rest of the month. We will be addressing Masks, Classroom Cleaning, Student Hygiene & Safety, Arrival and Dismissal Procedures, Temperature Checking, what to expect inside of the classroom, and more! Please continue to check your email and our social media pages for this important information.
We are so excited to welcome all of our Dragons back to school!!
Dr. Jenson, Principal
Dr. Eldridge, Assistant Principal
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